

  • Don't let your goal defeat you. I think it is a bad goal. Scrap it. Every indication is that 1 pound/week is best. Your goal should be to establish a lifestyle that takes you to 150 pounds at 1 pound/week, and then keeps you there. Buy the book "Food Rules" and make some lifestyle choices. Rule 64 is, break the rules…
  • Are there any other ways that they try and hide trans fats in food? I heard mono and diglycerides are trans fats, too.
  • byHISstrength is right. Making that first meal bigger does take away from the other meals if you are counting calories. That will always be a struggle for me since the social meal of the day has been supper since I was born. Lots of food and conversation. Lots of popcorn and dessert after as well. I put on all my weight…
  • How is your esophogeal sphincter performing? Sounds like the others who responded and you are experiencing what I am. 25 pounds ago, gravity was yanking down on my belly fat which was hanging onto my all of my inards, And at the top of my inards was my esophogeal sphincter. Little muscle that relaxes to let food in and…
  • Jeswolfe6 is right. Buy Food Rules by Michael Pollan. $5 on Amazon. Counting calories in Filet-o-fish is like counting calories in a sofa cushion. You shouldn't be eating either of them. Unless you are eating it as a treat. Suppose it is ok then. Go ahead and leave on the cheese and tartar. That is a real treat.
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