christabel6 Member


  • I read a lot of 'book-u-mentary' style books, just for interest as they are often well written and tell a fascinating human story that's as good as a novel. Brunelleschi's Dome is fab, it's the story of how they put the dome on top of the Duomo in Florence, which was designed without them knowing how they'd complete it.…
  • Don't panic, see what things are like in a week. That will give your body time to adjust back to your routine and I'm willing to bet your weight will go back down again.
  • Comparing legs with a friend who runs we concluded that the shape of your legs and muscle build is probably genetic - she runs and cycles pretty seriously and looks like she has no muscle at all despite being incredibly fit (unless she flexes), while I'm overweight and not fit and still have slim legs that look muscly…
  • Areas where you know you're likely to clash, eg staying up late/getting up early, needing the bathroom or kitchen at the same time, tidiness, bringing people back or having people to stay for extended periods. Having rent with bills included avoids a lot of arguments but check whether any of the bills would be in your name…
  • This is a pretty average day's food. I know I should adjust my diet to include more fruit and vegetables and do take vitamins/iron to make up for it a bit. I will eat more salad in the summer :-) I've been eating like this since October and have lost roughly 1lb a week and am aiming to lose at least 35lb in total. For…
  • Ha ha :-) To stop dieting. Well, I eat pretty much the same things (except no chocolate and cake) just less of them, so to be able to eat a bit more of the things I like, especially CHEESE., that will be great.
  • I have a dress in the wardrobe that I really want to get into. It's do-able with quite a bit of work, once I get down to a healthy weight and do a lot of toning. It's an 80s vintage Monsoon turquoise raw silk dress, very fitted, size 16 then but probably fits a 14 now (UK sizes). I need to lose 7 inches off my waist and…
  • Green tea does have caffeine but not as much as coffee or cola - it's certainly not a lot to have over a whole day if that's all you're having. I get headaches from dehydration so maybe stick to water for hydration and tea for sipping?
  • You avoid having a chocolate bar because you can eat more of the healthier option, and because your tastebuds have changed and it's too sweet now.
  • I've been veggie for 30 years and don't push it on people, it's just no fun having an argument over dinner. (I don't cook meat but share a house with someone who does, using the same pans etc. Doesn't bother me.) But people - including members of my own family who used to be veggie but gave it up - seem to have a real…
  • Name/ real name: Christabel6/Kriss Goal weight on March 31: 11 stone 9lbs 3/1: 12 stone 3/4: 3/11: 3/18: 3/25: 3/31:
  • Mine have an irregular habit of having screaming fights in the middle of the night. Joy. They go on for HOURS. Last time I went down to interrupt, got shouted at, the noise calmed down for half an hour then started up again, and eventually one of the other neighbours got them to stop. Sometime after 3am. The inconsiderate…
  • Soup if you have somewhere to heat it. Then for that 'have to hold something and chew lots', veggies and dips might work with that, eg carrot sticks and cottage cheese if you do dairy, bean dip if you don't.
  • I would like to join if you're doing this agani next month - thanks.
  • Because when it's around you all the time and it's held up as a model of beauty and fashion, it's hard not to let it affect the way you feel about yourself even if you are close to conforming to the model. It's constant. And look at the effect it's having on young people, male and female; puberty is the very age they…
  • vampire. They get the best clothes.
  • I went on a strict eating plan for 2 weeks - no sugar, bread, potatoes just lots of veg, fruit and some dairy. I was amazed my sugar cravings went after a few days and by the end I couldn't stomach anything too sweet, it had changed my tastebuds. SO satisfying when you can feel that work doing you some good, isn't it :-)
  • I was converted to Aldi by a friend who used to shop there, by seeing the quality of the food. Some things are hit and miss - don't try their ready meals except for the fresh pasta, IMO. The cheese selection is really good and they do bottles of sundried tomatoes etc really cheap, nice quality.
  • You've done amazingly well to lose all that weight but if you've done it using a very low calorie diet, that could be the reason your periods have gone AWOL. As the lady above says, best to have it checked out. If it's PCOS it's worth knowing that sooner rather than later.
  • I don't. It's to avoid being obsessive. I weigh myself at the gym once a week, unless it's TOM when I skip for morale reasons ;-) That's enough to avoid the daily ups and downs and focus on the overall direction, I reckon.
  • It's been cold here recently and I've been really craving carbs - have just had to have lots of bread/rice/potatoes... take the long view and as long as you don't do that too often, you should be fine.
  • Get a really good sports bra for doing CV exercises so you don't stretch out your cooper's ligaments :-O the things that hold your breast up. Also, work on your pecs. As others have said there's not a lot you can do especially if you are generously proportioned in the bust department, but buying some pretty underwired bras…
  • Every step towards your goal is worth celebrating. For me, I just need to lose 2lb to get to my next goal. I still have a way to go before target weight but every little step helps the morale and reminds me I'm on the right path. Congratulations on healing the depression and taking action to make your life better. You know…
  • You have such a fantastic smile :-) Great job!
  • I currently weigh 170, aiming to be below 150, and my thigh at its widest point is 57cm or 22 inches. But I have a different body shape from you - put on most of my weight round my middle and have always had reasonably slim legs. I also cycle, not much, just as commuting, but enough to keep the muscles in shape. For saggy…
  • Lovely response from superchas. It could be any reason, maybe he's in a bad mood and that's the focus of it. Sometimes people don't realise what an effort it takes to lose a lb and it seems like a tiny thing. You know you can always get support here. Well done for your continuing progress ;-)
  • My mum's nickname for me as a child was christabel - no idea why as my name is actually Kristine which has fewer syllables! And six just goes with it.
  • I get desperate for carbs, and less so sweets. Can't stop eating bread and anything stodgy. Argh!