billpriday Member


  • We all have our personal favorites. I used to use EAS until I looked in detail at the ingredients. I would recommend that you purchase an isolate protein (pure protein versus a concentrate that is not pure protein) and do not purchase the cheap stuff from Wal-Mart, Costco, etc. Go to a supplements store, Vitamin Cottage,…
  • You are right that you can't spot reduce. Cut your carbs, increase your daily protein to at least 1 gram per pound of body weight. You don't have to lift heavy unless you want o bulk up. Lift weights where you can 12-15 reps, 3-4 sets. Don't use machines except for cables. Dumbells and free weights are best. Change your…
  • You need to eat,but what you eat is very important. To help fight the hunger pangs, stay away from carbs and sugars. Up your protein and fiber contents and drink water...lots of water. I find that the more protein and fiber I get, the less hungry I am. For snacks I usually go with almonds or pistachios or a Quest Nutrition…
  • I drink the EAS 100% Whey Protein Chocolate. I recommend it highly.
  • I'm sorry that you are having issues. I am no expert when it comes to losing weight, exercising, etc. but I have learned a few things over the years. 8 years ago I weighed 320 lbs. and I stand 5'-8". I got down to 212 and then put weight back on until I stepped on the scale last June at 264. Today I weigh 183 lbs and still…