tractor Member


  • My clothes seem to be fitting slightly better but theres no significant changes for me to really get a good gauge. As for water consumption, thats all I drink now, about a gallon a day, give or take a cup or two. ( I sure miss my soda's ) :( Maybe Im just being too impatient and need to just ride it out a little longer.
  • Thank you so much! This post answered all my questions/concerns which have been keeping me up all night searching for some kind of answer. This makes so much sense. I lost 10lbs since I started working out last month, but the last two weeks, nothing is happening. I was beginning to get frustrated and even started working…
  • Yes, this site is pretty awesome! Its my new fav. app on my iphone. Im thinking of starting p90 soon too. I dont think I can handle p90x yet. You should look into a heart rate monitor if you want a better reading of exactly how many calories youre burning. I got mine from craigslist for $35, a savings of over 75$. I even…