shrikester Member


  • Hi, just another tip, which really works for me and my friends. My nails are strong naturally, but at times I feel that they need a bit of treatment. I slice lemon and put my nails in each slice and hold them there (eg. whilst watching a film). I just pat dry them and if I do it for 3 days they become shiny, strong and…
  • I have been there... Depressed...It is not good for anything. It is a chemical disbalance and, since it is chemically generated, it can not be dealth with by pure will power. One of the things which can make me happy is food when I am depressed. I discovered that finding thing which can make you happy is the only way to…
  • I go to Bikram yoga too, also was curious about the calories burn, seems a lot to me! Up to 1000 per session.
  • Thank you, girls, I already feel that there is support here and I have only been here for 1 day! I guess the last 10-5 kg are the most difficult to lose, but most rewarding when you get the result. Today I realised that what i need to change, it is the sugar intake and fat! I really do nto eat a lot, but find so difficult…
  • I want to be 60 kg by my birthday, which is 1 December, for that I need to lose 6 kg. It is not my final goal, but I will feel better, a lot better if I can do it. My extra challenge is that I cannot run at present, even though it is my favourite exercise. It is the food intake I have to work on. With the right motivation…
  • Hi I have done juice cleanse before, but only for 4 days. I found it beneficial, I had more energy, my metabolism became better. I had to stay away from 'sweet' juices, otherwise too much sure intake counterbalances the benefits. I had mainly beetroot, carrot and green apple juice. Also, since these are acidic, as any…
  • Hi Anna, you are doing well, 3.3 kg in one month! It is impressive! I feel that this communitity does work. Feel that one is not alone and many people have got similar problems.