sweetnsassy74 Member


  • I just pre-ordered Jillian Michaels Killer Buns & Thighs DVD from Amazon.com. I can't wait to start the challenge with you! I've needed motivation and your post just inspired me to get off my butt and join. Looking forward to the results!!
  • Way to go DollyPat!! Today was day 4 for me & I can't believe I did it being a Saturday. I am so proud of myself for staying committed 4 days in a row. This is a first :)
  • I'd love to join this thread as I am pretty new to the site and just started 30 Day Shred June 1st. I started out with 4lb weights and thought I was going to die! Needless to say I stopped and picked up 2lb and look forward to using them in the morning. Good Luck everyone... We CAN do this!!!
  • The DVD arrived today and I started it tonight. I had to do the modified push ups and I thought I was going to pass out during the jumping jacks and jump roping LOL. I didn't have any weights so I just pretended today. Stopping for weights tomorow! :)