

  • I had this problem also and asked my trainer about it. He said the blood stops flowing to the toes due to the ankle of the elliptical. He also has this problem. I have gone to the use of the treadmill. I raised the level to 10 or ll and can burn 300 cal. in about 45 - 50 minuntes, Use speed of about 3. Your feet don't hurt.
  • Welcome to this page. It keeps me accountable to myself. I love trying to keep on track and posting my thoughts. Do you best and stay healthly doing it all. I have been at a stand still for a while but I do exercise regularing and my blood test all came back better than ever.
  • Use a ball against the wall and do squats with weights in each hand. Also do squats in a gym with the smith bar with weights. It is a real challenge. Use your tread mill at a higher level than 1 like 9 and that will built up the theigh muscles, calves and butt.