

  • I'm almost there with you on this one...but what I do believe works is to eat within 1-2 hours of waking up...whatever it may be orange juice, crakcers, fruit...soemthing...and eat multiple times in the day like 4-6 3 of those being actual meals. I don't think I could stand eating less than 1200 calories a day on purpose…
  • chiken bouillon, onions, salt, pepper and garlic powder....that's a good helathy way with some butter if you dare!
  • I was always told, that as a female, to weigh myself the same day and time once a week and not to do it on a menstrating week (on the same scale). My personal trainer instructed me of this. He suggested also to do it before I get my day going on (not having eaten or drank anything). So I weigh in usually on Tuesdays in the…