Hi there. I was born and raised SDA. I live in Maryland USA. I wish this was a bigger group. I need support from more Sabbath-keeping friends.
Definitely looking for support. I get discouraged and give up on my goals, then start again. I need encouragement to keep going and believe always that I can do this.
Hi. My name is Charlene and I attend Miracle Temple SDA in Baltimore, Maryland where E.T. Stoddard is our wonderful pastor. I need all the support I can get to lose this weight.
I found this article very informative and plan on using it to help me lose this weight. I take 3 antidepressants.
We live in maryland, usa. My mom grows it in the back yard, so there's always plenty around. Love it!
I'm in the same boat. I also love Ramen noodles and not ashamed to admit it. I would love to get some low carb suggestions. I have a sweet tooth which i'm struggling to get under control.
The key ingredient in my green smoothies is callaloo. Oranges add a sweet flavor and makes it easy to drink.
I work out at home or take brisk walks at Centennial Park in Columbia.
I can't believe there's a group for Jamaicans! Yay! I'm just starting my weight loss journey and I need all the motivation and support I can get.
I just turned 38 and I'm lovin' it. Life is an adventure, not a number. I'm looking for friends to keep my butt moving on my journey. Add me. Pretty please. Char