tamikas3 Member


  • Thanks. I will try it. I am not taking meds at this time but being 'monitored' by my doc every 6 months because I am considered borderline. He doesn't want to put me on meds yet. I am over my pity party so I am going to get back on it and try the combination you suggested.
  • Hi, 3x/week I do a crossfit like class. It is called total body training. It lasts 50 minutes. 3x/week I do elliptical for 30 min. intervals burn around 230-260 calories. 1-2x/week yoga- basically for stretching because I have trouble with flexibility and old knee injury from high school. Thanks again for the feedback.
  • Thanks guys.. I had to take a break from documenting because I was just too mad.. Anyway, when I told my Advocare coach what happened she told me "that has never happened ever".. Great. I know I followed the program to the detail so I guess it just wasn't for me. Anyway, I'm moving on now. I still need to lose weight and…
  • wow... I am sooo bummed out right now. So today I finished my 24 day challenge and I didn't lose a single pound in the so called Max Phase..not one. I lost 5 pounds in the Cleanse phase.The thing is I am not so upset about the pills working or not working but I am frustrated because I was eating super clean, documenting…
  • Thanks for your response. For me I think carbs do matter some because a few weeks before Advocare I ate 1200 calories and gained 1.4 pounds. Thanks to fitness pal I tracked EVERYTHING and realized I was eating like 140-160 grams of carbs. When I dropped the carbs to like 100, I lost weight (2 pounds the next week). Now I…
  • Hi I started the advocare challenge today and I am wondering if those who had success on the plan ate a complex carb at breakfast and lunch? I probably have spent too much time on the internet browsing and some sites suggest you skip all carbs to get the best results and others say follow the program exactly... I am…