jakelegs Member


  • Are you me? I have abstained from IPAs for 2 months now, and it's been tough! I also love PB (salty+crunchy for the win!), plain tortilla chips (just the smell...drool), cheese, and bourbon, although I prefer scotch.
  • On my best weeks I run 3 times a week (one long), and do Stronglifts 5x5 3 times a week. Recently I have added yoga to the program, and like to do a session right after running or lifting. It's really been helping me gain flexibility, which helps with squatting and even my running pattern. Feel free to add me!
  • Did SL 5x5 (squat 100lb, bench press 75 lbs, rows 80 lbs) and mowed the lawn for an hour and a half. Tired!
  • I eat a low carb, high fat (LCHF)diet. Tracking daily helps me stay focused. My goal is to exercise 6 times a week, but sometimes it is more like 4. For exercise I run every other day, and do Stronglifts 5x5 on the other days (3x week). Lately I have been motivated to do weightlifting, but not running, so I signed up for a…