lizzy2b Member


  • Hey there! Im 24 and a mother of one. I stated to you use MFP in combination with my fitbit flex and the treadmill each day in order to reach my steps goal. I want to lose 10kg think its 22lbs if i my math is correct. Feel free to add me if you like ;)
  • Thanks guys!!!!
  • Hi all, You are welcome to add me. Know how it feels when you are at war with the scale. My son is 3 and I'm struggling to keep the last bit off. I still have a lot of wight to lose that i gained before my pregnancy.
  • Hey there! You are welcome to add me if you like. My son is 3 and i have just got rid of all those extra weight. But I'm struggling to keep it off. I still have a long way to go to be back at the right weight according to my BMI.
  • Hi Ryderod, Hopefully in time most of the apps will adjust to our South African menu. But till then I don't mind making use of different applications. My biggest concern is having something i wont lose or forget to put on. I have a history of forgetting things.... I had a look at both manufactures warranty statement and…
  • For Earinabby, At home we have a saying if you purchase something you better do it right the first time. Im glad you told me about your instructors scenario. I really do not want experience the same thing. I really appreciate all the comments. It was the flex that started getting me curious about fitness trackers. So none…
  • How long have you had your flex? Thanks for the feedback.