Squem8 Member


  • Just for today, I will: 1. Learn to like coffee with no sugar 2. Drink lots of water 3. Start tracking 4. Not have my usual Friday night glass of wine
  • Name: Emma Height: 5'5" Starting Weight (1/1):159.6lbs Goal Weight (1/31):149lbs 1/1:159.6 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your week: Turned down going out for a delicious but calorie laden meal on Saturday night!
  • I don't know about it being good or bad but I also didnt use to eat breakfast and made the decision to commit to having breakfast every day. It used to be difficult to face breakfast in the morning but the more I have eaten it the more I have got used to it and I now miss it if I dont have it, so I reckon your body gets…
  • Hey We are the same age and with the same amount to lose so we can definitely motivate each other along the way. I'll send you a friend request : ) Em
  • Thanks so much for all your help everyone, I never knew dieting was so complicated! Joylia that link looks really useful. I think I am gonna try and work it all out properly using their guidelines but from everyones answers I am definitely having way too much carbs and need to up my protein and fat (in a healthy way of…
    in Macros Comment by Squem8 January 2013