

  • I think I will go back to my pre/ post op diet. It seems to be the common echo on all the boards, hopefully it will do the trick!
  • Thanks everyone! I have not tried resetting myself, but I am willing to try anything at this point. I do drink a lot of water, and I go to the bathroom 2-3 times a day (I'm on metformin and my tummy does not entirely like it.) I cant drink coffee it makes me sick, I do love the smell though!
  • I just wish I wasn't having the yo-yo weight. I was sleeved in 2009, I weighed 265lbs the week before surgery.
  • Thanks! I should mention I had the gastric sleeve in 2009. I dont like looking at the scale, but its hard to stay away from it! I like to see measurable results! I do think I can get there, I'm just feeling a little irritated by the poor progress
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