mikesgirl71 Member


  • I agree about the medication. Don't be afraid to change. It's always scary, but it took several tries to get mine right too. One made me sleepy, one I gained lots of weight, etc. The one I take now I don't notice I'm even taking. (Unless I don't take it) Best of luck :)
  • I didn't think it would work, but I joined a gym and am trying to go at least 30 min. at least 3 days a week. Had to set an attainable goal so I didn't beat myself up if I didn't go! LOL Anyway, my mood and energy is a whole lot better already. And I also try to walk around at work. I am feeling so much better. Hope this…
  • I'm 5' 10" and sorta looking at 174 which would take me into my proper BMI range. BUT I'm not sure I really buy into the BMI thing, so I'm still not sure!! Ha! Hovering around 200 right now but just started strength training, so I think I'm just going to see where my body settles out. I'm interested in y'all's answers as…
  • Do you all have suggestions for shakes? I went to GNC today asking about this very thing and the guy told me I had 2 choices for protein shakes, and both were $75-$100 for a 50 scoop bottle!! Figured you guys might be a tad more helpful! ha
  • Me too! I have one friend! ha dmccoy@cableone.net
  • I feel like this too, but the more I go the better it gets. There are still some machines I don't know how to use, but I was taught how to do the basic ones, so I am sticking with those for now. Also, I still do go at a time when there are only a few people there, as someone already said.
  • Add me too you guys! Always looking for new friends :)
  • I would like to join as well :) 20 lbs sounds perfect!
  • This makes me a little crazy too. And yes, grandma is the worst. But I'm 5'10" and still around 190 lbs. So people don't need to ask ME if I'm going to blow away. LOL Cracks me up :)
  • Yay!!! Congrats!! I was SO happy the day I became overweight :)
  • Yes! Awesome on quitting smoking. Working on that now. Do you mind me asking how you went about it? My big problem is making myself work out. I always seem to have excuses! Even though it is for a small amount of time in my day! Good luck to you :smile:
  • Add me, any of you guys! Reading the posts every day helps me get motivated!!
  • I lost inches or pounds, it seemed like! Lost 76 inches total, 81 lbs. I am on my 2nd week of phase 3, and then going on to maintenance. Good luck!!
  • I am! Sorry didn't check in yesterday. I started the first week of October last year and have lost 80 lbs. I started Phase 3 today. I would be glad to be your friend :)
  • My favorite is caramel nut bar. I freeze the box and get one out to thaw while I'm eating dinner. Like my dessert! Strawberry wafers I keep frozen too, but I hardly ever eat them. Most people love them, and they are good, but they are VERY sweet to me, so I pretty much just eat them when I'm craving something sweet.
  • Looks pretty good to me! I think my first week I lost like 5-6. I promise, the time will fly by if you stick with it! Hope you have a great weekend :)
  • I track mine in here. I like to look at the reports and compare weeks and stuff. Plus like already mentioned, I think it helps keep me in check.
  • The time flies by! I started in October and am already down 69.2 lbs and 67 inches. It hasn't seemed like a long time at all to me. Good luck!!:happy:
  • Welcome everyone that came in the last few days! I haven't been around a computer in a couple of days, if you can imagine that. Ha I love IP and am currently starting my 6th week. Good luck to all of you :)
  • Welcome kklik967! I am in my 4th week on Ideal Protein. You are doing great! I hope to lose 80-100 lbs. I feel better already though.
  • Welcome :) I am in my 3rd week and I love it too. Down 10.6 lbs and 7.75 inches as of last Friday.
  • Hi! I am Dawn. I live in MS and started IP October 5th. I have lost 10.6 lbs and feel great already. Feel free to add me too :)