

  • I've done the very same thing you did. I found that my mind just shuts down; I don't even think about what I'm doing at all, and repeat the same bad eating habits - it's almost like I'm in a trance or something. Reading the success stories EVERY DAY and the different community boards EVERY DAY keeps me focused and on…
  • The Nativity Story is my new favorite, and I must admit that I have a teeny crush on actor Oscar Isaac, who plays Jesus' father Joseph. ;-)
  • Good bra advice. I myself hadn't given an exercise bra much though, since I'm not at the point yet where I'd be jumping around! lol Anyway, whatever size, love your breasts; they're part of who you are. Don't "boobie bash" them! :-)
  • Thank you, Judy, for your support. Your 5 pound fat loss is great, and I'm positive that you and I have the tools at our disposal to reach our respective goal weights! I've done a lot of things so far in my life, and this fat loss 'project' promises to be a challenging one, but with the greatest reward! Be blessed.
  • My ideal body would be to look less like Fred "ReRun" Berry and more like Halle Berry, with gray hair.
  • Has a doctor diagnosed you? I was diagnosed with TMJ some years ago, and those don't sound like TMJ symptoms. Maybe you have a throat or ear infection?:sick: