chaosqueen01 Member


  • since others are much better in explaining than me, I was just searching for information about too much drinking. For me, 1 gallon a day seems way too much. I'm drinking between 1,5 and 2 liters (so up to half a gallon) and I'm fine. with that. During exercise I'm drinking more, of course (during 1 hour of spinning course…
  • Very nice video, but I miss a lot of tasty varieties which are low in calories. What about meat, fish, potatoes, vegetables (okay, there were carrots), salads without tons of oily dressing, pasta with tomato sauce instead of cheese and so on?
  • Funny how different taste are! I love salmon, tuna, cottage cheese and spinach. When I was a kid, my mom and my aunt cooked whole grain spaghetti who my sister an me hated. They were dark brown and even if you put loads of salt into the cooking water they tasted like glue. Eggplants are not my favorite either. The only way…
  • Hi Tenorninja1, I know exactly what you mean! I start with a walk for the first 200m, because I feel funny when I assume that my neighbors are watching me. When I'm in the park I don't care, but a few years ago I always had the same feelings and thoughts like you and sometimes did the same (tying my shoelaces, walking…
  • Okay, so you think that god or whoever invented the world made the synthetic vitamins on day eight, because his work didn't work well? ;) Sorry, but you can get enough vitamins from food. I don't eat that healthy myself and I love sweets, potato chips, french fries and all sorts of junk food, too, but I never take any…
  • I don't get it - why aren't you eating all the vitamins in food? Fruits, vegetables and so on? Our bodies are meant to eat real food, especially when you are trying to lose weight. Eat fresh instead of junk food plus synthetic vitamins.
  • Very funny: I alsways thought that I'm eating very normal stuff, but that depends on where you were raised and where you live. I'm German, so "Leberwurst" is totally normal delicious food to me (and yes, it does smell like cat food!), same as "Blutwirst" (a sausage made from blood). There is a speciality in Northern…
  • Wow, that's really a change! Congratulations, you look like a total new person! :-)
  • Please copy the code for message boards from photobucket and put it in here. Or add [img*] without the asterisk before an [/img*] although without the asterisk after the link. :)
  • Jumping in without heaving read all the formerly posts, just had a quick glance. For me the best advice I could get was trying to have my cardio exercises at a heart rate between 120 and 140 bpm. Especially when you get started you should stay here, so your body learns to burn fat instead of sugars or, much worser,…
  • For me, this is true - plus a lot of sports. One year ago I did not that much sports. I went diving all summer long, but once a week is not enough sports to make your body fitter. Now I'm running two to three times a week, I'm going to the gym one to two times a week and I'm in a spinning class once a week. I'm still…
  • As a teenager I hated running. Running at school always meant running at a high pace and gasping for air. My toothflesh was aching that much I barely could stand it. I decided that running and me never would be friends. Than I moved and went to University. My landlord was a passionate runner, he did (and still does!)…
  • When I hit my goal, I will ahve a very nice photo shooting. And since I have a voucher for it, I have to reach my goal until February. On my way there, there are books, CDs and a very special dress, but this is more a reward for getting rid of the mess in my working room.
  • Uh, doesn't sound like something you want go through twice! :( Luckily you felt better after eating! And thanks for the advice, I'm someone who normally doesn't eat directly after running. I should change this immediately.
  • I'm totally on the side of all those who say "don't do it"! It is not healthy to eat only 1000 calories for a longer period. Your body needs a specific amount of calories just to work (without any movement made) and you should never eat less than these calories for longer (it is okay for one day if you are not hungry, but…
  • Hi sghannah, welcome to this site! I'm new here for a week by now, so maybe we can motivate each other a little. :-)
  • Really, why should I get used to something tasting like dishwater?! I think that the point is not the 2 or 3% more fat in the milk, because in 100ml 3.5% milk there are 31.5kcal from fat - and how many liters do you drink in a day? For me it is about 200ml each day in coffee, muesli etc. This makes a difference of 24kcal…
  • I don't know how much milk you drink in a day, but believe me: Milk is not the reason of getting overweight. I personally drink 1.8% milk (because it works best with my nespresso aerolatte ;)) and I only substitute it by soy milk when I feel bad after drinking milk (I don't think that I'm allergic but sometimes milk and my…