Rocko717 Member


  • My personal trainer always said, "You can't out train your diet". So make sure your diet is in line and go from there. I thik 45 minute work outs are fine. A good quality workout is key and staying consistent. That being said, I do Chalene Extreme 4 days a week ( I skip the burn it off and recharge day and replace with…
  • It is television and scripted. I am pretty sure they are supplied with food and a trainer (regardless of what is shown on TV). Also, they can't really have a lot of LIFE to deal with when they have cameras around etc. It is not real life. You have to do what you can sustain. I like the show but I have gotten to where I…
  • I just got the DVD's in the mail off ebay. Need to get the calendar though and some heavier free weights. I guess I can start iwth what I have though right? I am getting sick but hopefully that won't stop me!
  • It is calories in and calories out so I don't think going over on carbs is that big of a deal if your calories were still under. I just try to leave them off so I can eat more for dinner. Meaning, the calories in carbs (pasta, rice etc) are a lot more than adding a couple servings of veggies.
  • I have heard all sorts of horror stories about the Mirena IUD. I have the Paraguard IUD without hormones at all. I have had it for 3 years and everything is great. I love it! Just a regular period as normal. I did have cramping at first, but not now. You can keep this one for 10 years too.