I've also been doing the 30DS. I did 2 weeks on level 1, took a couple days off b/c of being sick, and just started level 2 yesterday. I would love to start up some sort of 30DS challenge/ post/ encouragement spot!. :-)
You look great! OMG - what a transformation! I have the 30DS and Ripped in 30, but like you said, I never finished it. this is truly inspirational for me to get moving! thanks for sharing!!! :-)
Wow! Congratulations! What a transformation!
WOW!! Way to go! you look fantastic and have maintained the last 2 years! Great Job!!!
great job - such an inspiration!!!! :wink:
awesome!!! and congrats!!! how exciting :-)
awesome job!!! You go girl!!!
You look amazing!!!! You go girl!
I had gotten the coupon from thanks everyone!
you look great!
You look great! such an inspiration!!!
looking good! keep up the new body!
wow! you look great!! congrats on your change!!!
That is an amazing story, and I can totally relate to your story! Great Job! Wow!
great job!!! keep up the good work! :-)