Gennie_Alvarez Member


  • (Webdiva1) -Wow. I never thought of that. You are ABSOLUTELY right. I have to change my view towards my weight loss and EXPECT changes. I forget that weight loss is very tied to how I view myself and the effort that I deserve. Thank you again.
  • Thank you everyone. You guys are right. I have to commit and change my attitude towards my weigh loss and use this a tool. I appreciate all your comments.
  • I know this is not food advice- but have you tried lifting weights? Or even Pilates.... It would help with tightening those areas. If you are already eating clean then maybe you need to bring your fitness to a higher level. Just a thought!
  • WWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!! I'm inspired- thank you for sharing :)!