

  • start out just walking, make it a daily thing. Have a goal to reach, once reached (no matter how short) then add to it! Once you see progress, even if it is a small one, it will influence you to keep doing it and reaching each goal! but you have to start, doing nothing isn't going to make you feel any better!! Good Luck
  • I have been walking for awhile now! the only excercise I have done is walking. But it is fast, on my device I walk with said I'm walking about 4.0 mph and I walk 6.5 miles a day (split it up 3 in morning, 3 at night). As of today I have lost 48 pounds! I just started using weights (5lbs). so we will see how that all works!…
  • I was hooked on pepsi and then started packing on the pounds and the Doctor told me that pop, soda (whatever people call it) was the number on cause of weight gain! So I told him I would go to diet and he said that could almost me worse then regular. So all in all it isn't good for you diet or no diet! It was hard for the…