

  • You may enjoy a workout based solely on plyometrics. I'm sure you can find lots of places in your area that offer plyometrics.
  • Hi! Honestly, you should feel results after about a week, and depending on your size, SEE results within 1-2 weeks. I know that when I started lifting 17 years ago, I felt the difference in the first 3-5 days. Make sure that you've got great form at all times. Form is the most important part of lifting. It is so easy to…
  • Lol. I read that and thought the exact same thing. "No". Great clip!
  • Hi! I get a lot of protein from quinoa and chickpeas. Also almonds and nut butters. We love sunflower butter here as well. Also hemp hearts are another source. I'm with you though, I stay away from anything made with soy.