6550mom Member


  • Weight 11/15/13 152.0 lbs Weight 11/14/13 151.6 lbs Weight 11/12/13 152 lbs Weight 11/11/13 152.6 lbs Weight 11/10/13 152.8 lbs Weight 11/09/13 152.4 lbs Weight 11/07/13 152.2 lbs Weight 11/05/13 152.2 lbs Weight 11/04/13 151.8 lbs Weight 11/03/13 152.1 lbs Weight 11/02/13 152.6 lbs Cals. average from 11/4 to 11/14 was…
  • Yep. Got called to work that day unexpectedly and thought I'd only be there for a couple hours- was there for the entire day and part of the night with no free minutes and access to nothing except what was in the fridge. There a couple other low days in there too- one was a work day, other was a dentist/crown day.
  • Weight seems to be headed back up and my mood has plummeted because of the frustration- I don't look or feel any better. Doesn't seem to be that much difference when cals are calculated unless I'm not doing it right-the averaging and interpreting the results???. Sigh. I guess I'm wondering if you can see something in there…
  • Can't speak for everyone, but I know when I had my stall, I read around and found that most people reached a point where they had to stay at the same weight for a few sessions or longer, and/or go up in smaller increments than the program calls for, and/or deload and work on form. I think 8 weeks before stalling sounds…
  • HOLY CRAP!! Just… Wow… You seriously rock!! (New goal: Can you please turn me into you, please?)
  • Adding my cheers!!! Go Girl!!
  • http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1112487-continuing-to-gain-weight-can-you-please-help Of course, now I've been all over the place in my intake. Lots of family stuff and way too much eating out, etc. I've been good about logging but lots of guess-work. So, I'll leave it to you to review & make recommendations now or…
  • Wendler week 2, day 2 for me. I picked the "triumvirate" accessory program from this most useful helper site...http://www.strstd.com ...that I think Lydia ? had posted. THANK YOU, btw for that. So deadlifts topping with 7x155. Felt good too- chest up, butt down cue has fixed my form on those. Then the good mornings (5x12)…
  • Seriously, second time today you have made me actually (not just virtually) laugh out loud. Sooooo funny.
  • :laugh: Five degrees of separation- well played. :laugh:
  • "What she said! I also failed on reps today. Was supposed to do 135x5 on bench but only got 3. Wah wah wahhhhhhhh. I did my 180x5 on squat, 95x5 on row, and also did dip plank supersets. wheee. Then I went to the Y and rowed my imaginary boat and people watched for 30 minutes." WOW! You are super-strong too. I was going to…
  • NO rush, just record-keeping here until you are able. I've exited panic mode as the rapid and (as far as I'm concerned) undeserved weight gains seems to have stopped. Just ready to get it gone.... Whenever...and thanks.
  • Still just trying to figure out where I should be with calories, etc. This is one more week of data. I'm just going to try to tweak, but if at any point, you feel like you have enough info to make suggestions, and when you have the time, I will gladly hear them. I should add that I would really like to take the weight off…
  • Checking in with you awesome badarse women! Yes, Lydia- thanks for getting this up and running- I didn't even remember that it was November. Dani- Sorry you are hurting- nothing really helps that, just takes time to dull the pain a bit. Zani- good reminder. *off to join a think-tank for the calorie burn :) Checker- let us…
  • Are you eating any fat at all? If you did, maybe that would help keep you from getting hungry, too. And... your sample menu does sound like it's under 1000 cals or close to it, maybe? Logging will help make sure you get enough food. This seems like more of a problem than getting too much for you, but I defer to the experts…
  • ^^ haha Stef- I ate like a maniac this weekend and weighed in lower too. I have learned from experience that for me at least, there's a delay of a couple days before the real effect shows itself. But, it was fun to think eating more would be good (still hanging around 1450 calls, but hoping to be able to increase soon with…
  • Does that say that 75% of your calories are from fruit and veggies or do you mean 75% of what you choose to eat? or something else? Just curious if that could be why you are hungry? I'm sure the experts will have better opinions/advice, but I was confused by that *edited because I don't think my original post with my…
  • You all are awesome. Tagging for me because I REALLY need to keep the faith that I'm doing what I need to be doing despite my setbacks and frustrations.
  • Looking pretty amazingly strong yourself there! Nice group here and fun to keep up with. :)
  • Thanks for bumping up.. Still tweaking and working on this and appreciate what you guys do. I'm cool if you want to wait/watch for a while with me and see if I'm on track BUT, if you have suggestions, I'll take those now or later- whatever you like. Trying to get back on track here. Stalled or burned out on 5X5- 150 squat,…
  • Just the answers: *I do like Greek Yogurt. I had been eating it regularly and should start again. *I don't love cardio, but do some short (HIIT-like) sessions and know I should for cardiopulmonary health, but I'm not an endurance runner type person for various reasons, including I don't like it. Explanations: I do eat…
  • Roxy- your story made me LOL- the irresistible track pants :). And sorry for the loss in your family, it's never easy. Kira- I think I'm back on track with taking the thyroid medicine on schedule. I had my WHOLE thyroid removed so I need to not get too loose with my taking it. After I feel I've done my part and been back…
  • They are great because when I want to use the space for something else, they are so easy to pick up and stash in the closet. They fit because they aren't attached to each other. Some reviews say that they aren't as stable after having about 300 pounds on them, but somehow, I don't think that will be a problem for me.
  • So, it's been about 2 weeks. I think* I have stopped gaining weight, geez, that was frustrating. My logging and my intake have not changed. I did weigh and measure everything I ate at home and was pretty right on on my estimates (I would estimate, then weigh or measure) and usually was overestimating by just tiny amounts.…
  • And, these are squat stands. These are the ones in my home, actually. They are a little more inconvenient at the gym because you will likely need to adjust the height, but they do work for squats and overhead press.…
  • Spotter on the Smith machine or? Are there squat stands- is that what you are talking about for a spotter? If so, that's what I use at home without a spotter and it works just fine. My gym has only one rack and I can often not get it due to they are idiots and have only one rack in a GIANT gym. ;)
  • me too. Good luck with your schooling/training. :)
  • This is great- the women on the Stronglifts 5x5 would love this story :) Congrats- you look great & there is no better way to 'educate' (and shut up) a doubter than to show them. Rock on.
  • You all are awesome and you inspire me everyday... and I sure have needed it lately. Feeling good DOMS after doing my new routine yesterday and the day before. Ahhhhh. Hurts so good. I'm optimistic that this will kick-start my metabolism and start to change my body again soon. :) Keep going ladies- YOU ROCK!!