akgirl88 Member


  • first of all, i think its awesome that youre doing this! and i want to commend you in setting a reasonable goal with a reasonable amount of time to do it in! as far as what youve said about your diet - it sounds like you have the right idea and are off to a good start! the only thing i would say is that you have to be…
  • this thread has been really helpful!! yay tall girls! :) I'm 5'9" and the lowest i ever weighed was about 140 at a size 8 AE jeans ( i think they're sizes are a little different from other brands, but maybe thats just me.) the only thing was that i didnt have much muscle. my current goal is to get back as close to that as…
  • dont worry! when i started, i found i could also only do about 5 min on the elliptical. i just made sure not to let it discourage me, and made a goal to do more the following day (i did about 12 min). it went on like that for about a week, until i found myself being able to do a half hr and now i can do an hour. :) im sure…