Always love a good challenge ..... I'm in !!!
1- BlueAngelChar - Charlene 2- Unitedboy83 - Lee 3- Samantha240473 - Sam 4- WoosieUK - Stuart 5- bernied26 - Bernie :) 6- jonchamric - Jon (Aka Benedict AHnold) 7- IronPhyllida - Phyllida 8 - kymmyjoy- Kym 9 - Brian01 - Brian 10 - Itsmedaveyp - Davey 11 - Gooose7- Gooose 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - TEAM USA _____________________ 1…
Fabulous Story !!!!! Amazing results !!! Bring on 2014!!!!!
It was a month ago now. I was 2 week away from my first ever marathon and did one last 20 miler training session which I had trained hard for. The front of my ankles started to burn and this spread up to the front muscles of my shin. Within 4 day I could hardly walk . It was like being hit with a baseball bat across the…
Last few weeks I have been doing both they are so much fun !! More of a sweat on with Bokwa though!!
Bob is a legend !!
This Sunday I'm running my first ever Marathon, I've done a couple of 20 milers recently so I'm quite confident I'll make it, although my ankle is giving me some grief, I would love to start he race injury free , fingers crossed !!! Good luck to all of you fellow Runners !!