

  • March 18 SW 150 GW 135 CW 150 I am turning 45 in two days, I have a daughter of 3years old, I work full time, I'm in school fulltime, I intern at a hospital and am crazy busy! I think I am a stress eater since Im always stressed and always eating....I got up to 199lbs when I was pregers, but have not been able to get past…
  • Hello, my name is Shannon, I am 43 and 152lbs 5ft 4. I have a 2 1/2 year old and work full time, go to school and am currently working on my hours for MFT Internship. I have a full schedule, no time to plan meals really, and any extra time that I do have, I cannot get motivated to work out.
  • Hello, I am 43 and will be turning 44 in March. I had a baby 2 years ago and cant shake the last 15 lbs. I yoyo up 5 down 5 up 5 down 5.