Congrats ! You look marvelous.
Learn how to swim, sinking to the bottom of the pool is not fun.
Hard work and determination = job well done. Congrats !
Water - crystal clean.
Best Christmas song ever . . .
Sixteen days off from work over the break, like the last two years, I will commit to three a day sessions, and keep food intake within reason, Christmas day is the only day of the year I don t care how much I eat.
Good job !
Legend - Tom Cruise
Well done. Smile in the last picture says it all !
' I want to make the world turn around ' - Steve Miller B)
The reflection of the guy in the mirror - he's to blame 100 % .
Pounds are lost in the kitchen .
You should be Dancing - Bee Gees
Shannon - Henry Gross
Mud - The Road Hammers
A good looking personality .
Independent, no dependants .
Bump for later .
Use the Schwartz
Wow . Good job !
Cycling - Rowing -
Spock rocked that black shiny suit in Star Wars . . . no wait, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm . Live long and row . . . .
Start with 2000 m a day sessions, 3 days a week, record your time each and every row. Every Monday is " destroy best time day " for me on my row of choice, 5000m . I have my best time posted in my home gym on the wall, so I can look at it each and every time I row. This keeps me motivated and never bored. Music is…
- - - Field of Dreams - - -
Tomorrow's another day. We can t change the past, but we are in control of our future. Day at a time .
Wow . Smile says it all . Good job !
Eat lean, train mean, row supreme, my motto ! Addicted to rowing . . . March Madness participant .
Take on me : A-Ha
The smile in picture # 6 says it all, good job !
Good job !