

  • your weight fluctuates about 3 pounds throughout the day. Also STOP weighing yourself everyday that's the worst thing you can do because you stress yourself out and you won't loose weight. I know this because i did it myself. Also if your sick don't work out because you will just hurt yourself more as you said you found…
  • hey, I feel ya here I was doing the same thing for a few weeks and that is why my weight stayed right where it was because I just keep gibing into my cravings. My best suggestions is before your about to put something bad into your mouth think to yourself, how bad is tis for me? am I really hungry? Also when your in this…
  • hey, i'm a waitress aswell and it really depends on how busy you are. You need to remember we stop and go so our heart rate doesn't get high enough into that big calorie burning zone. But I did wear a step counter one day and it said I burned about 500 cals but I don't count that as exserize because like I said it not…
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