

  • It's around 200. Log it as 20 minutes of circuit training.
  • Haha, I love your signature. The number of people on here complaining about not being able to eat 1200 calories makes me roll my eyes.
  • I get brutal bags under my eyes, they're puffy and dark coloured. I get completely overwhelmed by the different products out there and have everything from powders to liquids to creams.... what works best? Also what's the best way to match a colour... I always seem to get tricked into getting one too light and then I look…
  • Try Bengal Spice tea... it tastes really sweet from the cinnamon but has not sugar or sweeteners in it. With just a splash of milk it's like having a chai tea latte for 10 calories.
  • I've had a Mirena for 2 years and also love it. So much easier than having to take a pill everyday, way less hormones and I only get one day of spotting every few months. Of course everyone is different, but as far as birth control goes the Mirena tends to fix things that mother nature gave you (like heavy periods) without…
  • My partner has always said that he loves the way I look at any weight but the other day I was changing and he just came over, kissed me, and said "have I told you how beautiful you are naked?". I'm sure some of it's just the confidence I have now but it was such a nice thing to hear.
  • Those are great! I might also add: -Plan ahead (eating that DQ blizzard is fine but know how many calories it is and fit into your goals with exercise) -Don't drink your calories (unless it's a splurge and then see previous point) -Log EVERYTHING you eat even if you're way over so you can learn from it -If you hiccup don't…
  • Straight to the veggies I flew like flash, ignoring completely the old chocolate stash
  • First of all, to be within 5lbs of your goal weight it sounds like you're doing fantastic! It makes sense that you're losing weight more slowly now because your basal metabolic level is less as you weigh less. With a goal of .5lbs/week that might be difficult to see differences on a weekly basis as something like not…
  • If you want to go on the pill I'd recommend Yasmin as the type of progesterone it has in it is a mild diuretic so you're unlikely to have the fluid shift that most pills have. Alternatively you might want to consider another form of birth control such as an IUD. The Mirena just has a tiny amount of progesterone that is…
  • That happens to me all the time. The problem is that variations in fluids/time of day/what you just ate can easily make a difference of a pound or two. You probably didn't lose 2lbs of fat in 24hours but rather your fluid balance evened out from the past 4 days or so. Try picking one day a week to weigh yourself so that…
  • I'm vegetarian and would love to be friends with others who are too for some diet inspiration!
  • Even if you want to start on Monday fresh it might not be a bad idea to just start logging your meals now. There have been some pretty good studies showing that people who write down what they eat have a decreased overall intake. So don't neccessarily "diet" now but just be conscious of what you're putting in your diet!…
  • For someone who's never really ran before a goal of a 10-minute mile is certainly reasonable. I just recently started running and find it challenging but strangely addictive. The truth is that I think most people get winded early on... it's all about remembering that the whole point of it is to work hard - just push…