

  • Welcome, and good luck!! It is great to have other moms in a similar situation to help along the way.
  • So, I haven't started back at exercising yet, but after my first was about 8 months old, I started going to the gym in the mornings. It was hard though. I work full time with an hour commute each way. Since my husband takes the kids to day care in the mornings, I would get up at 4:45am, go to the gym and shower there and…
  • Hello Ladies. I have a son that will be 3 in December and my youngest son was born in early February. I still had an extra 10 lbs to lose after my first and now another ~7 lbs from the 2nd. I just finished breastfeeding last week and am ready to get rid of this extra weight but I'm finding it hard to cut back on the…
    in Say Hi Comment by mepcasper October 2012
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