ssumbrella Member


  • I just ran the Runner's World Half in October and, like you, I wanted to finish and feel good afterwards. You have already some good advice posted here about looking up training plans. It looks like you're putting in enough mileage per week. Pick one day a week for your long runs. Long runs should be at an easy pace, just…
  • I am 28 days from my Tough Mudder, and I'm beginning to feel a little panicky. I can run 10 miles, so I'm good there, but my upper body strength isn't there. I've been hitting the weights since January, but, at this point can only get 3 monkey bars before epic fail. Ugh! I fear I'm in for a loooooong day!
  • Spinning is great! It's a lot less impact than running, and more work than walking. I love it. In terms of being saddle sore, it will happen. Over time, my body has adjusted. My wife, however, opted to get some padded cycling shorts off the discount rack at a bike shop. She loves them for spin class. Great job tonight, and…