

  • tinkerkelle7, that's how used to feel. Especially when you are surrounded by a bunch of downers who try and slow your progress- or at least, that was my issue. One of the best things I ever did for myself, not just for weight loss but for life in general was keeping a journal. Once you try it you get hooked and it really…
    in First Day Comment by Lydiara April 2011
  • Thanks so much Renee! I'm really proud of my progress and yes- my parents are helping me! Especially my mum who loves doing activities with me now! Thanks for the advice and congrats on your amazing weight loss!
  • Thank you so much for that really nice post- that totally rings true. I really appreciate that message, it's actually exactly what I needed! Arigato gozaimasu! (Thank you!)
  • It's just saying that because of recovery- when you work out, sometimes you may need a little extra boost to keep your progress going in terms of muscle mass and weight loss. If you need to eat after, eat, but if you don't you shouldn't- just trust your body.