nestlingmagnet Member


  • Thanks for the awesome response! Very informative, exactly what I was looking for.
  • @sed1217 Haha, that is a great idea! I wonder what I could reward myself with each week (that isn't chocolate, haha).
  • Nike has some pretty good free apps for exercising. One I use pretty regularly is called Nike Training Club. There are some pretty great workouts on there, complete with timers for each exercise, and videos to show you how to do them. They also have a running app which I think is called Nike+ Running, and it monitors your…
  • One thing I'm going to challenge myself to do has to do with my exercise routine. I've been going to the gym regularly (which is great), and I have the Nike+ Training app that has a bunch of cool exercises to do. Some of them are brutal! Anyway, I've noticed that I've been hesitant to try new exercises. The workouts on the…
  • What a great turnout in this group! My name is Kirsty and I am new to MyFitnessPal. I am hoping to lose 10lbs before the 50 days is over, and then after that I would love to lose another 10lbs. I am starting an office job in the new year where I know it will be difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. I want to secure a…
  • I'd like to join. I'm new to this and to MFP but this sounds like a great way to see some effects! I'm going to aim for 10lbs in 50 days. EDIT: Also, anyone in this thread, feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!