

  • I'm sorry to see such an ungrateful reply to my attempt to as best I can offer my opinion about what I honestly suspected might be the problem. The whole point of the exercise was to show that your data didn't seem reliable, and I notice that you arrived at the same conclusion yourself shortly after (whether or not my…
  • Your august data indicates a basic everyday consumption (i.e. excluding exercise) of 1700kcal/day. Doing the same for your september data we get instead weight change = +5 lb. Assuming 5lb of fat => 20 350 kcal => 656 kcal/day stored food intake - exercise = 1795 - 417 = 1378 kcal/day which indicates a basic everyday…
  • Well, you CANNOT be operating a deficit and not lose weight. Whatever we may not know about the complexities of how the body works, we do know enough to be sure about that. So that leaves two possibilities: Either your data on "total calories consumed" are wrong, or your body uses less energy than you think it does.…