coal45 Member


  • You should take more water than you think you'll need and did you think of sunscreen? Sunglasses if outdoors? Trail Mix is also very handy. If there's a chance you might get wet take an extra pair of polyester socks, they dry faster than cotton. The shoes you choose are important, hiking boots would be best If you have…
  • Thank you very much, I really appreciate your suggestions. My disability is a mixture of autoimmune diseases and when they decide to act up, it makes me exhausted, literally lithargic. I go to sleep for days on end sometimes. It also makes my muscles painful and they atrophy very quickly. My joints get into the act as…
  • Thanks for all your posts! It's nice to know I'm not alone at this. In response to all your observations let me say, my evening salad is about 6 oz and consists of iceburg lettuce, a little mixed bell pepper, a few diced ham bits, some black olive slices, and a couple of cherry tomatos. It's about the size of a dinner…