

  • Tell us how you really feel next time. J/k I've been on P90x for 5 weeks and it rocks. Works all the muscle in your body. It's tough as hell trying to keep up with them but it feels so good. It is a well rounded - daily fitness routine right in your home. For well rounded fitness for anyone - small to big, I would…
  • Thanks to everyone for your replies. I know that since watching calories I have made much better choices and cutting out sugars on my own - mainly because I look at it and think "well if I have that, I can't eat much else today..." It seems pretty unanimous that keeping a tight reign on "bad" carbs and watching calories is…
  • I know it's controversial, and I sure want to keep my head up and continue doing what I'm doing. He said in the article that you can eat all the low carb calories you want, like meat and eggs. To me that translates "calories don't matter, carbs do". He says easily digested carbs like sugar and flour immediately increase…
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