

  • I'm pretty much a non-poster. But, I know the point of this group is support to stick to the plan, so here I am. Been doing well with the plan with my own admitted modification (whey protein.) First, I want to say it is great to be able to do a reset with minor modifications as many have made, without someone pointing out…
  • Whole30 was in my plan starting Jan 2. To be honest, never done one before, but eat mostly paleo-ish. Intend to eliminate added refined sugar, wheat, legumes, dairy and limit nightshades. Considering allowing whey protein as I wish to avoid any muscle loss.
  • The protein shake idea works for me--I have protein "ice cream" -- I make a protein shake with almond milk and enough ice to make it kinda thick and eat it with a spoon out of a bowl after dinner. It fulfills my need for sweet and is less than 200 calories with almond milk.