VoxSapiens Member


  • One thing that you stated This is the healthiest thing of all. Being frustrated or having stress (especially about the weight loss strategies we're using) can add extra challenges. Again, like I stated before, I don't know much about the Weight Watchers program, but this bit that I just quoted struck me. You achieved a…
  • <<Thumbs Up>> for a great post! I have no experience with Weight Watchers and can't offer much advice, but I particularly found your post (and most everyone's replies) to be relevant and interesting.
  • Welcome aboard!
  • Michigan is represented! Just a note: It goes without saying that depression and depression-related conditions influence weight-gain and loss as well as one's adherence to a diet and exercise plan. If you're having serious "winter blues", you might benefit from treatments for depression and seasonal affective disorder.…
  • Most importantly, don't do something that your doctor tells you not to do. Aside from that, I would recommend doing physical activities that don't strain your abdominal muscles while you're recovering. Exercises that you can do seated using resistance bands or weights might be a good option. If you have access to a…
  • It's a good idea to do as you've done--trying out different machines--seeing what works for you. For cardio work, ultimately it's what your heart rate is beating at and for how long that determines how much cardio benefit you get from it. (There are numerous websites with details about finding your target heart rate zones,…