Austin, Texas originally. The Shenandoah Valley for the past 10 years. All over the world in between...military.
I make this every morning: 1 ripe banana (100 cals) 1/4 cup Sambazon Acai juice (Costco) (35 cals) This is one of the super foods - high in antioxidants 1 cup baby spinach (5-10 cals) I get the organic baby spinach at Costco 1/2 cup Kirkland brand (Costco) Frozen berries (70 cals) I add about 1/2 cup water to make it thin…
Love that Jimmy John's! Now, let's see what people don't like about that place...
"And then yesterday leaving work, I take the stairs in the parking garage on purpose. About 50 stairs and by the end I'm usually out of breath. A woman stepping off the elevator at the same time I reached the landing looked at me and said "the elevators exist for people like you" to which I said " I got looking this way…
Try Stevia for sweetener. 0 cals and totally natural. You can cook with it, too. I use the powdered extract. Try mixing decaf and caf to wean yourself from the caffeine. The headaches probably result from your dependency. It can be from drinking caffeinated cold drinks or chocolate, etc., too. With decaf coffee, you still…