Sunflowertina Member


  • I know your struggle and I have a fitness junkie for a husband and in the past has made some hurtful comments about my weight gain. Since joining MFP I have started losing again!! Feel free to add me as a friend. We all need as much support as we can get! Hang in there!
  • I love ZUMBA it is my primary cardio workout. In the last year I have lost 22 lbs mostly w/Zumba. I also wear a HRM during my workout to track the calories.
  • I have only been using this tool for 4 weeks, but have working on my weightloss for over a year- and yes since using this tool I have found that I was not eating enough food so I have increased that amount except last week because of the excess food for Thanksgiving. And yes weight training is included in my workout plan.…
  • Thank you everyone for the encouragment! I take all the advice given and use it where I can! I need all the help I can get and hearing ideas and such from other people that have had similar experiences really helps a lot!!
  • I thought I was eating enough last week-I stuck to 1200 on all the days except for Thanksgiving and my 2nd Thanksgiving on Saturday so the extra calories those days wouldn't be so bad! I have tried being patient (over a year) with only 22 lbs lost and working out 4-5 days a week sometimes w/2 workouts a day. I started this…