

  • My fit test was not terrible like I thought it would be. I'm in better shape than I thought (probably from teachign swimming lessons 5 hours a day 4 times a week this summer). I know I can improve though. I was pretty tired by the end. Did The cardio plyometrics today and THAT was hard! Made it through with only a couple…
  • I know it's not the 1st but can I join? I just started today with my fit test (I had to wait for my dvds to arrive). So, I'll be a little bit behind, but would love a support group if you all don't mind!
  • Dang it! I gained a pound this week (probably becuase I was on vacation at a family reunion and ate a few things I shouldn't have!). Oh well. 164.2
  • I'm so sorry! I went out of town for a family reunion and didn't have a single chance to log on! I did weigh last Sunday and I was up a pound (dangit!) to 164.2. Hopefully I go down this week. Sorry again!
  • Checking in for the week--stayed the exact same. 163.8.
  • I LOVE peanut butter. My absolute favorite is Trader Joe's peanut butter with flaxseed. It is so delicious. I recently saw it at Target (not the same brand obviously, but made by the same company).
  • I'm in if it's not too late to join! Team Edward all the way! CW 163.8 GW 138 Goals: Lose 25 pounds (a pound a week). This might change as we are contemplating having another baby, so if I do get pregnant, my goal might change to not gaining 500 pounds. :) Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day Exercise on average at…
  • Weigh in this morning--163.8! And on my period too, which absolutely shocks me. Usually I gain at least 3 pounds during and don't lose it again until at least a few days after.
  • I'm so sorry I didn't record my weight for this week on Sunday. I haven't even been able to get on the computer until now! Between friends having emergencies I had to help them with and my daughter's second birthday party and my other daughter's school, things have been utterly crazy! So I weighed today--165.4. I'm on my…
  • Sorry, didn't get a chance to log in yesterday from the computer. Yesterdays weight was 165.7. Not a big loss, but I'll take it. :)
  • Okay..I finally got around to weighing myself today! After I ate a ton of chocolate (My husband was so good and didn't get me candy but they gave us Sees candy at church!) I couldn't resist..and justified it as mothers day. Oh well! SW 168 CW 166.4
  • I find that interesting about the meat as well since I'm type A and I could live without meat most of the time. When I'm pregnant, however, all I want is red meat..and lots of it! I crave it like crazy.
  • I have! Is his next movie that is coming out Breaking Dawn?
  • Excellent, excellent reason!
  • Sadly, the reason I was so excited to be in Hufflepuff! Anyone see Water for Elephants yet? Love him! I'm not too exciting of a person--been married 7 years to my high school sweetheart. We have two little girls--5 and 2 and I'm a stay at home mom. Something interesting about me is that I was adopted by my paternal…
  • Yep--mine's Elaine. One of my daughters has Ann for a middle name, the other May. Guess we're not to original in our family!
  • Yay! I'm super excited. Go Hufflepuff!
  • Oo I could do a bike and trailer. Two kids--one is five and the other will be two in a couple weeks. This definitely might be the way to go! Or a bike with a little bike, though where in the world would I get that?
  • I LOVE this topic! Can't believe that it took me this long to stumble upon it. My friends and I are always joking that we'd have no chance if a zombie outbreak occurred (we live in L.A and with all the people piled on each other it would just spread so quickly), but I can run for two hours straight--longer if it's a fast…
  • Can I still join? Current weight 168
  • Go to a running store and they will help you out. They will tell you exactly what you need--what type and what size and even if you need special inserts. For example, I have a high arch so I get special inserts to add better arch support. I also pronate, so I get a stability shoe to help with that as well. :) You can also…
  • I had mine out and on occasion I suffer from "dumping" as well, too. If it is a spicy of fatty meal or if I go to long without eating. Other than that, no problems. I think I have a harder time losing weight without it as well. I never had a problem with it at all, and we always ate very healthy, but what caused mine…
  • Oh, unfortunately I've cheated. It's all this darn Easter candy we have in this house. I gave in yesterday and had a cadbury caramel egg--and enjoyed every bite. Didn't even feel the guilt. I'm a sugar addict and I hadn't had any since Monday so I figured it was a bit of an accomplishment waiting that long. I decided that…
  • Oh, unfortunately I've cheated. It's all this darn Easter candy we have in this house. I gave in yesterday and had a cadbury caramel egg--and enjoyed every bite. Didn't even feel the guilt. I'm a sugar addict and I hadn't had any since Monday so I figured it was a bit of an accomplishment waiting that long. I decided that…
  • Okay, I started Tuesday April 25 on this diet (I was going to start Monday but finally gave in and got into all teh chocolate from Easter, so held it back one day!). As of weigh in this morning I've lost 3.5 pounds! Woo hoo! Finally something that works because counting my calories religiously and exercising like crazy was…
  • Definitely roasted grasshopper--I was living in Uganda for the summer at the time with a host family. Let's see, I have a few more things that they fed me. Matooke (bitter mashed cooked banana) with fish and g-nut (peanut) butter sauce (YUCK!!!) Spaghetti with top up (their fake jellied ketchup) Spaghetti noodles with…
  • Go to a runnign store and find out what type of running shoe you need. You may need shoes with more support if you pronate. They will be able to help you. I've run with Aasics and Saucony and I love them both, though I'm partial to my Sauconys. You can sometimes find some good deals at runningwarehouse.com. I just bought a…
  • Still haven't gotten my Monday workout in! Going to do it as soon as my little monsters go to sleep. They've been a handful today! My littlest is teething and got up at 4:30 and woke the oldest up, so they were crabby all day, even with naps! So, can't wait to get them to sleep and get a great workout in with p90x! I am…
  • Drink lots of water for sure. I've also heard the bananas are good for getting rid of charlie horses. May be wrong, but I got horrible ones when I was pregnant, and that is what someone told me. Too bad I can't stand bananas!
  • I will start week 2 tomorrow! Today is my day of rest--thank goodness! I need a break! I wore heels to church today and my legs were killing me whne I walked up the stairs.