

  • I am not had any McDonalds fastfood in 3 weeks but I did go to Cookout and get me a hotdog on Monday. It was good too. I have not had any soft drinks but two and they was diet... So that's a big change for me. I am really trying to get the hang of this weigh loss thing. I seem to be losing inches which is good but as far…
  • Today I am 215lbs. When I started counting calories about 3 weeks agoI was 217.5lbs. I am working towards losing my goal of 30lbs.. Inches are coming off but I am just not seeing the weight come off like I want too. But inches are good beacuse people are asking me if I am losing weight because I look like I am. My goal is…
  • Hello, I just started using this tool today.. its going great so far...