secyatlaw Member


  • I've been using Sequel's Vega line - the Sport, One and energizing smoothie powders - with good results. I am not vegan but seem to have trouble absorbing necessary nutrients even if eating clean. I've felt much better, have lost fat, and am more alert and energetic. Best wishes for your continuing journey back to wellness.
  • Rosie, you can always get back on track! At the very least, this person can no longer take advantage of you! Tomorrow is a new day! Get as much rest as you can!
  • One bad day does not a lifetime make; tomorrow is a new start! That's what I've learned.
  • Vega One, Vega Energizing Smoothies, Vega Sport. All soy and whey-free. Vega One has 15g protein per scoop, the smoothies about 11-12. Pretty good taste as well, sweetened with stevia. I use coconut water (not dairy, nor coconut MILK), water or less frequently fruit/vegetable juice.
  • Hi! Had a big long expository paragraph that just got lost - so I'll just say, welcome, and hang in there!