bethyt458 Member


  • You look absolutely amazing! =]
  • I'm 19, in college, with a one year old. I live in my own place, so no campus life for me. I only take 2 night classes, and as much as I'd like to blame my weight on my son or college, I really can't! I know exactly where you're coming from, though. Going out every night? Forget it. I have a son, as well as studies to keep…
  • I'm 19, about to be 20. I have a 1 year old son, a house I'm keeping up with, a part time job I just got yesterday, and classes 2 nights a week. I don't even think I know how much is on my plate yet. It helps that my boyfriend and I are still together, (have been for 4 years). The team effort helps me tremendously! I know…