

  • Start with your husband problem. He can only stop you from leaving if you allow him to. If my husband told me I wasn't allowed to be driving after 8 pm, I'd wonder what alien lifeform acquired his body. As for the working out, go after you get off of work. Go before work. Workout at home in the morning. Work out at home in…
  • I tend to be busier on the weekends, so I have less time to sit around at home and eat like I do during the week, but I also tend to not "cheat". If I need to workout, I work out. If I want an oreo or two, I'll have one or two. But I don't go overboard anymore. I can't if I want to be healthy, and that kinda keeps me going.
  • I've notice for myself, it depends on the type of exercises I'm doing, and how my body reacts to them. I can take fitness classes at the gym for an hour a piece 4 or 5 days a week, burning, on average, 700 calories per class. But I wasn't losing weight. I was eating well, measuring my food, and still not losing weight. My…
  • For today, it's avoiding junk food and drinking more water. For tomorrow, it'll be staying on point calorie wise and making sure I get enough veggies.
  • For me, it's not really either one. I mean, I'm here to lose weight, but it's more for a health standpoint than for how I look.
  • Obviously, you're not alone!! I like being home. Alone. I always have. I also enjoy going out, but with a couple of GOOD friends...not random strangers. College parties always gave me anxiety, so I stuck to small house parties with people I knew. These days (as a wife and mother), I go out with girlfriends once a month to…
  • I don't find healthy eating to be any more expensive than unhealthy eating. Sure, there's more prep work involved when you're cooking meals, but my grocery bill hasn't changed much at all (and I'm feeding myself plus my 3 kids and husband). I've just replaced bags of chips with apples and candy with fruit. *shrug* I mean,…
  • For people like me, I'm going to have to work out at the very least 5 days a week for the rest of my life. It's just how my body is made. Any slight alteration in food or exercise makes me gain weight instantly. I also pick workouts that I enjoy doing and that make me feel good. Some people can workout for 60 minutes (or…
  • Looking back at pictures of myself when I was a size 12, I was pretty squishy. My tummy was flatter than it is now (at a US 16), but it was still very squishy. Tummy fat is the toughest kind of fat to lose. You may want to look into the Abs Diet (it's not an actual diet, but it's about changing your diet so you can have…