

  • Hello group mates, How do you guys track calorie counts in your home cooked indian food?
  • Hey Pratima thanks for sharing your workout schedule. I do cardio 2-3 times a week ( 60 minutes each) - burn around 660-700 calories each time Lift weights and other upper/lower body exercise - Once in a week. Dont know about the calorie burn Run 3 miles and walk 1 mile on a 4 mile circuit usually every Saturday - around…
  • Hi, This is Vik. I have been using MFP for some time now but didnt know that there is a group for Indians until I found this today. I saw Sonali's workout schedule.Pretty impressive. I have been working out for around 4 months now with 3 days in gym and 1 day of running 3 miles on a 4 mile circuit. I have felt a great…
  • Count me in too..
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