

  • Hey Starjo, I've been, I am where you are. Two years ago I did what I needed to do, I ate a balanced diet and got to a place where I was 10 lbs above my target weight. Disaster! I got a NICE hamstring injury and because I was obsessed with losing weight i didn't stay off of it. It was a slight pull that turned into a level…
  • GJ everybody. I think i'll just lurk around. Trying to get inspiration from everybody. Not to be Debbie Downer, but I just can't get on my bike. It's been over 3 weeks and my mileage has gone from over 600 mi's a month to 0 in August. Feeding off all your good vibes!
  • Yes. Increased washroom breaks will be necessary. - Bladders, on average, hold 300-350 ml of water. So, drinking 10 cups of water (general guideline at 250 ml or just over 8 oz) means you'll be hitting the stalls a BIT more often than you are used to. Your kidney's thank you!