

  • I don't really consider it a diet,it really changed the way I eat. You must eat on the diet or it won't work.Don't skimp.I eat lots of grilled chicken,fish,turkey burgers,I do eat on occasion lean gound beef or a good steak.Lots of veg.salads.I make by on dressing using flaxseed oil.Many recipes on the web.I also make…
    in 17 Day Diet Comment by iretdk June 2013
  • I am doing the 17 day diet and I also work out at least 5 days a week. In 10 days I lost 13 lbs, I struck to the diet for 17 days and I ate good.Lots of salad,veg,fruit on the list.Water and green tea is important.I am still losing and not have lost over 24 lbs.I started the Mon after easter.Lots of info on twitter and…
    in 17 Day Diet Comment by iretdk June 2013
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