

  • You CAN do ab exercises that are not laying flat on your back! Abdominal exercises are great if done SAFELY. I did them with every pregnancy. In fact, it helps your abdominal muscles recover faster after the delivery. You can do pelvic tilts with your back against the wall and many others. Ask your OB for a list the next…
  • I use Stevia and Xylitol to sweeten my coffee. The xylitol has helps promote healthy bacteria so its not going to feed a yeast problem but you have to add it to your diet sparingly because it can cause some digestive upset if you overload on it. But I try to use low glycemic sugar replacements as much as possible.
  • I would look at it like its a day shift. If you awaken at 4:30 then you would eat your 1st meal (breakfast) shortly thereafter and your last meal a few hours before bedtime (like 5 or 6). My husband has a weird shift too and he does something similar to that. So I would eat my first meal around 5 PM and last meal around 5…