cityjogger Member


  • 60% fat! I woulda never guessed that high!
  • You read my mind posting this topic. I'm spanking new to MFP and I've been ssssooo good all around. I'm dreading the food havoc that I'll wreak this weekend. I've told myself I have to do at least one yoga class and if I do that I won't stress and pick up on Monday where I left off. Yea, I'm pretty easy on me:) BTW I luv…
  • I like the RunKeeper app to keep track of my running mileage/routes. It seems my phone's GPS works better with it than with the Nike+ GPS app. I also like the kath eats real food blog. Her pictures do a good job reminding me what a balanced diet looks like. Oh yea and when I was on a running streak back in the day some of…
  • Thanks to the 'rette who thought up this group and hello all! Have never used MFP but looking forward to finding anything that'll keep me accountable. Would love to lose 10lbs of fat and to get toned around the middle. Can't wait to hear about everyone's progress - make sure to share your weight loss/fitness…